Spreading the Word
Julie Thiessen Julie Thiessen

Spreading the Word

Training the next generation of surgical residents is a big part of what we're here for, so an invitation to speak at the University of Mahajanga's Faculty of Medicine brings great encouragement. Sharing with medical students that now, because of PAACS, have the chance at a surgical residency.

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Surgery Helps Girls Like Antoinette
Julie Thiessen Julie Thiessen

Surgery Helps Girls Like Antoinette

Antoinette comes from a village outside of Mandritsara. After pregnancy complications, she not only lost the baby, but became very sick.

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Julie Thiessen Julie Thiessen


Our family was recently in the capital city transferring from our MAF charter flight to a commercial flight so we could get away on a much needed vacation.

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I Think She Gave Me an Ulcer
Julie Thiessen Julie Thiessen

I Think She Gave Me an Ulcer

At 5 years old, it was an unusual combination of symptoms. Fever, black stools and abdominal pain. Initial bloodwork showed a low blood level less than half of normal and malaria positive.

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Pouring Out Hope
Julie Thiessen Julie Thiessen

Pouring Out Hope

“Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst.”
- John 4:14a

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What ISN’T Going On
Julie Thiessen Julie Thiessen

What ISN’T Going On

Provided and supported surgical care and helped launch the Pan-African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS) surgical residency training program at the Good News Hospital in …

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Spared From Certain Death
Julie Thiessen Julie Thiessen

Spared From Certain Death

Oh how we wish you could see the impact your prayers and support are making here at the Good News Hospital!

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Hope and Healing
Julie Thiessen Julie Thiessen

Hope and Healing

Oh how we wish you could see the impact your prayers and support are making here at the Good News Hospital! Just yesterday, Jesh was faced with a situation that has kept him up during the night.

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