Surgery Helps Girls Like Antoinette

Antoinette comes from a village outside of Mandritsara. After pregnancy complications, she not only lost the baby, but became very sick. Her father adamantly refused her going to the hospital, wanting her to be treated by local witch doctors. 

Antoinette chose instead to leave her father's home and move to another village where she could stay with her mother. 

By the time she got to her mother's home, her infection had worsened, and she was brought directly to the Good News Hospital in Mandritsara. She was taken into emergency surgery, and went home shortly afterwards, seemingly well. 

However, two weeks later she was back with concerning complications. There was a risk she would not make it out of surgery, but she would not live without it. 

However, the family could not afford the surgery. So Surgery Helps got involved. With the generous support of our donors, Antoinette was able to receive the care she desperately needed. The faithful prayers of a desperate mother were answered, and a young girl was able to go home. 

Antoinette passed by the office before she went back to her village expressly to share her thanks to those who made this surgery possible. 

We are passing this thanks on to you.

Lives like Antoinette's are being impacted every day because of the work we are continuing to support in Madagascar, as well as Burundi and other countries in need. 

This is why Surgery Helps exists...for girls like Antoinette.


Spreading the Word

