Spared From Certain Death

Oh how we wish you could see the impact your prayers and support are making here at the Good News Hospital!

Just yesterday, Jesh was faced with a situation that has kept him up during the night. 

An 8 year old boy had been brought in last week with necrotising fasciatis, or flesh-eating disease. When Jesh tried to clean up the wound, it was discovered that it had already gone from his waist down his leg. The necessary "clean up" wasn't enough to save this child. He needed an amputation. 

But when Jesh told the family, they said "no". In fact, they wanted to just bring the boy home immediately. 

We couldn't understand this, and tried to imagine what sort of circumstances would lead to a decision like this. How could this be what the family wanted??

Jesh told them they needed to leave him one more night, and meanwhile, he agonized over what to do. 

Today, Jesh sat down with the family again, to see if there was any way we would change their seemingly-determined minds. We had talked it over, and prayed about it, and decided that if there was any way at all that we could help the family through this, while keeping the boy at the hospital and giving him the best treatment we can manage, we would do it. 

I just received word that the family has said if we can help financially with their child's care and bills, they will allow Jesh to proceed with his plan to attempt to save this boys' life by removing his leg. 

Our ability to offer this kind of care and financial support necessary is directly because of our supporters and donors. As it turns out, the family received their first medical bill yesterday. Undoubtedly, they knew they could not take on the enormous burden of not only the hospital bills, but also providing someone full-time to help care for this boy at the hospital. This was most likely more then they could manage, so their only choice was to leave, and watch their child die. 

Today, we were able to give this family hope. We were able to see a need, and respond. And all because we are here, thanks to those of you who are invested from afar. 

Today, we were able to look on impending death through the face of a child, and fight for him. Because month by month we are joined by many who are setting aside their hard-earned money to be used in places like our small, rural hospital in Madagascar. 

And we are so grateful. 

It breaks our hearts to think of how common this is. Families have to make incredibly difficult choices between saving one child and keeping their remaining family members alive and fed. It's impossible to imagine what they face. 

This story of perseverance and the hope of survival for this boy is one of many. But it matters. He matters. And we want to take this opportunity to thank you all who have given over the years to allow children like this a chance at life. To give him hope. 

The road in front of this child and his family will be long and uncertain. The surgeries and recovery necessary to see him through is going to be intense. But we have an opportunity, day by day, and even month by month, to encourage them. To remind them that their son matters, and not just to us. That this gesture of love and concern is only a fraction of what God offers to all of us, if we allow him to. Just like they are allowing us to help, we can allow God to lead us away from the face of death to glorious life in Him. 

So THANK YOU. You're making an impact in the lives of those who literally could not do it on their own.


What ISN’T Going On


Hope and Healing